Medic! 2007
Your family's medical history, claims information, prescriptions. test results, appointments, doctors rolodex, allergies and more can all be stored and accessed easily with the touch of a button and Medic! The easy to use personal medical manager
Last update
10 Sep. 2007
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#147 in
Health & Fitness Software
Castle Computer Technologies
Screenshots of Medic!
Medic! Publisher's Description
Keep detailed medical information for each member of your family
Claims information, prescriptions. test results, appointments, doctors rolodex, allergies and more can all be stored and accessed easily with the touch of a button and Medic! The easy to use personal medical manager. Stay on top of your medical information for every member of your family with Medic
Claims information, prescriptions. test results, appointments, doctors rolodex, allergies and more can all be stored and accessed easily with the touch of a button and Medic! The easy to use personal medical manager. Stay on top of your medical information for every member of your family with Medic
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